
The Military Personnel Policy Reports page includes descriptions and links to important Department of Defense, government and other research reports and survey results that relate to the deputate.

Population Representation in the Military Services

The goal of the Population Representation in the Military Services report is to provide the most up-to-date, reliable, and consistent data on military personnel for policy-makers, the media, and the general public.

Compensation Greenbooks

The Compensation Greenbook is an annual publication which contains selected military compensation tables broken down by a number of variables including, pay grade, family size and income tax brackets.

Military Compensation Background Papers

These documents are a legislative and regulatory history of military compensation, benefits and manpower cost items. They serve as an authoritative reference tool for all researchers interested in the U.S. military compensation system.

Quadrennial Reviews of Military Compensation

Every four years, the Department of Defense commissions a complete review of compensation principles and concepts for members of the armed forces.

Valuation of the Military Retirement System Reports

The Department of Defense Office of the Actuary publishes annual valuations of the military retirement system that include projecting personnel, pay and benefits, and calculating annual Department of Defense contribution costs, as well as determining program unfunded liabilities and their amortizations.

Fiscal 2014   Fiscal 2010    Fiscal 2006   Fiscal 2002 
Fiscal 2013 Fiscal 2009 Fiscal 2005  Fiscal 2001 
Fiscal 2012 Fiscal 2008 Fiscal 2004 Fiscal 2000
Fiscal 2011 Fiscal 2007  Fiscal 2003 

Statistical Reports on the Military Retirement System

The Department of Defense Office of the Actuary publishes annual reports that compile data primarily from the retiree pay and survivor pay files, sorting and compiling data by various categories such as service, rank, type of retirement and mailing address of the retiree.

 Fiscal 2015   Fiscal 2011  Fiscal 2007   Fiscal 2003 
 Fiscal 2014   Fiscal 2010  Fiscal 2006  Fiscal 2002
Fiscal 2013 Fiscal 2009 Fiscal 2005  Fiscal 2001
 Fiscal 2012  Fiscal 2008 Fiscal 2004 

RAND Reports

The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit and nonpartisan research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. 

Miscellaneous Reports 

Total Force Manpower and Analysis Reports

Defense Manpower Profile Reports

These annual reports, submitted in accordance with section 115a of title 10, United States Code, explain the Department of Defense manpower requirements as reflected in the president’s annual budget request.

Inherently Governmental/Commercial Activities (IG/CA) Inventory

The IG/CA is used to comply with statutory and regulatory reporting requirements, including requirements established by the Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act and in Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76.  The IG/CA Inventory identifies and categorizes, as either inherently governmental or commercial activities, all appropriated-fund military and civilian manpower authorizations (including working capital). It is seen as a means of communicating the size and composition of the DoD's federal workforce.

Inventory of Contracted Services Reports

These Inventory of Contracted Services reports, submitted annually in accordance with section 2330a of title 10, United States Code, document contracted services for or on behalf of the Department of Defense.

Total Force Manpower and Resources-sponsored Studies and Reports

These reports and studies, predominantly published by Federal Funded Research and Development Centers, were sponsored by the Office of Total Force Manpower and Resources. In addition, this section contains selected reports completed by the Office of Total Force Manpower and Resources.

IDA Report - Medical Total Force Management, May 2014 (PDF)

  1. Click on the Policy and Law tab.  Add the following at the bottom of the current list:

Conversion of Government Work to Private Sector Performance — “Outsourcing”

Conversion of Contracted Services to Government Performance — “Insourcing”

These memorandum, issuances and documents are the policies and procedures governing, and applicable to, the conversion of currently or previously contracted services to government performance (e.g., insourcing).

General Total Force Manpower Policy and Procedures

These memorandum, issuance and documents provide the overarching policies and procedures addressing Total Force Manpower management and resources.

Manpower Management Process Charts and Infographics

These charts and infographics demonstrate the process of Total Force Manpower management and workforce mix.

Total Force Management Governing Statutes

These statutes are those most applicable and relevant to Total Force mix and manpower management in the Department of Defense.