Armed Forces Chaplains Board

CH (COL) David Wake
CH (COL) David Wake
Executive Director


The Armed Forces Chaplains Board provides advice and recommendations to OSD officials (Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness) on policies and issues related to the free exercise of religion and on all matters concerning religion, spiritual readiness, morality, ethics, morale, and military chaplains, including: 

  • Protecting the free exercise of religion in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
  • Procuring, training, and assigning military chaplains.
  • Military chaplain professional standards and requirements.
  • All religious support providers within the DoD.
  • Procuring and using supplies, equipment, and facilities for religious use.
  • Dialog with civilian organizations regarding religious issues.
  • Joint military endeavors for delivering ministry by the Military Services throughout the DoD whenever practicable.
  • The requirements of DoD Instruction 1300.17



Contact Us

Executive Director, Armed Forces Chaplains Board
4000 Defense Pentagon (Rm 2D583)
Washington DC 20301-4000

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DoD-Listed Religious Endorsers