Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel & Readiness

Ms. Beth Foster

Executive Director
Force Resiliency

Elizabeth B. Foster currently serves as the Executive Director of the Office of Force Resiliency for the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)). In this role, Ms. Foster is the principal staff advisor to the USD(P&R) and the Secretary of Defense for developing policies, providing oversight, and integrating activities in the areas of sexual assault prevention and response; suicide prevention; harassment, including hazing and bullying; diversity management, equal opportunity; and drug demand reduction. She also oversees the Department’s Violence Prevention Cell and integrated violence prevention policies.

Ms. Foster works with counterparts from across the Department of Defense, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Military Departments (including the Chiefs/Directors of the Reserve Components); the Joint Staff; the National Guard Bureau; the Defense Agencies; the Combatant Commands; staff members from other Executive Branch Departments, and Members of Congress.

Previously Ms. Foster served in the Department of Defense as a political appointee from 2013-2017. During this time, she served in a variety of roles including in OSD Legislative Affairs and in OSD Policy. Her time at DoD culminated by serving nearly two years as the Special Assistant for P&R issues to the Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. Ms. Foster holds a B.A. in History from Hamilton College.

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