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State Facilities Board (SFB)

State Facilities Board program’s mission is to maximize usage of Reserve Component Land, Facilities, and Installations by promulgating Joint Use and Construction by two or more Reserve Components.


  • Review and Validate All States Military Construction (MILCON) Requirements / Identify "Potential" Joint Projects
  • Establish and Maintain Communication Between Reserve Components / Encourage Pursuit of Best Opportunities for Joint Construction and Joint Use of DOD Facilities
  • Seek Service Budget Request and Congressional Support
  • Leverage Scarce MILCON Resources
  • Provide State of the Art Facilities for Reserve Components

Joint Construction Project

Military Construction (MILCON) project that combines the space and functional requirements of two or more Service components into one facility, thereby eliminating the need to build separate (or unilateral) facilities.

  • Each Component occupies the facility, and has some exclusive use space; however, the facility also has shared or common use areas that effectively reduce the overall required square footage (resulting in reduced construction costs).
  • Cost savings occur due to the design and construction of one facility instead of two (or more) separate facilities.
  • Cost savings also occur in contract administration, supervision, inspection, and overhead (one contract versus two or more).
  • Cost savings continue after construction by eliminating duplication of the following requirements: Antiterrorism/Force Protection; facility maintenance and repair (i.e., Sustainment); and future Restoration and Modernization costs.