for monitoring social representation within the military stems from the difficulties and dangers Servicemembers face during deployments. As individuals and units respond to threats to our national security and
vital interests in distant lands, it is incumbent upon personnel policy makers to consider the background of those deployed so as to monitor whether undue burdens are being placed on particular social and/or demographic
groups. Operations Joint Endeavor and Joint Guard in Bosnia represent one of the recent multinational security missions in which American military
members have participated. To help enforce the Bosnia Peace Agreement, less than 2 percent of Active Component (more than 21,000 commissioned officers and enlisted personnel) and less than 1 percent of Selected
Reservists (approximately 3,000 commissioned officers and enlisted members) were deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina during FY 1997 (Figure 8.1). Active duty enlisted members provided the backbone for the
peacekeeping mission, comprising the bulk of those deployed. Nearly two-thirds of the troops sent to this area were members of the Army, with the Air Force providing about one-third of the contingent (Figure
8.2). Very few enlisted members or commissioned officers from the Navy and Marine Corps participated in the Bosnia mission during FY 1997.
Figure 8.1.
Percent of Total Active and Reserve Component Forces deployed to Bosnia by Service in FY 1997.
Figure 8.2. Distribution of forces deployed to Bosnia by Service, FY 1997.Characteristics of Enlisted Personnel and Commissioned Officers Deployed to Bosnia
This chapter provides a description of the Servicemen and Servicewomen assigned to Bosnia and Herzegovina during FY 1997. Characteristics of interest include gender, race/ethnicity, and occupational assignment.
Go to Gender
- The data on which this chapter is based include forces serving in Bosnia during FY 1997.
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