Reading Ability Because reading requirements for many military occupations are substantial, reading ability of recruits is important. The reading grade level (RGL) is estimated by converting the ASVAB verbal composite score to its RGL equivalent.[Footnote 37] Table 2.9 shows that the mean RGL for FY 2001 recruits was at a level that would be expected of an 11th grade student, compared to 10th grade level for the average FY 1984 accession.
Differences in RGL were relatively small in FY 2001, with mean RGLs ranging from 11.1 for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to 11.3 for the Air Force. The 1980 nationally representative sample of 18- to 23-year-olds, on whom ASVAB scores are based, read at a mean 10th grade level. [Footnote 37] See Waters, B.K., Barnes, J.D., Foley, P., Steinhaus, S.D., and Brown, D.C., Estimating the Reading Skills of Military Applicants: The Development of an ASVAB to RGL Conversion Table (Alexandria, VA: Human Resources Research Organization, October 1988). [back to paragraph]