AND OFFICER CORPSThis chapter describes demographic characteristics of Selected Reserve officer accessions and commissioned
officers in FY 1998. (1)
The total officer accessions for Reserves increased in FY 1998 (from 14,379 in FY 1997 to 15,482 in FY 1998). The FY 1998 officer corps decreased by about 3 percent from FY 1997 (from 127,009 to 124,309). On the whole, however, the Selected Reserve officer corps of FY 1998 looks similar to the FY 1997 officer corps. Figure 6.1 shows the Reserve Component officer corps end-strengths for FYs 1974 to 1998.
Figure 6.1. Reserve Component officer corps end-strength, FYs 1974–1998.
Table 6.1 compares the number and proportion of Reserve officer accessions with the officer corps. The ARNG and the USAR account for the largest proportion of
Selected Reserve officers. The two Army components comprise 57 percent of Reserve officer accessions and 58 percent of Reserve officer end-strength. With the
exception of the ANG and USMCR, accessions increased for all components in FY 1998. End-strength decreased in all components except the USAFR.
Table 6.1. FY 1998 Selected Reserve Officer Accessions and Officer Corps End-Strength (Number and Percent) |
Reserve Officer Accessions |
Reserve Officer Corps End-Strength |
Component |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
Army National Guard |
2,387 |
15.4 |
31,306 |
25.2 |
Army Reserve |
6,474 |
41.8 |
40,665 |
32.7 |
Naval Reserve |
2,968 |
19.2 |
19,405 |
15.6 |
USMC Reserve |
694 |
4.5 |
3,760 |
3.0 |
Air National Guard |
1,100 |
7.1 |
13,235 |
10.6 |
Air Force Reserve |
1,859 |
12.0 |
15,938 |
12.8 |
Total |
15,482 |
100.0 |
124,309 |
100.0 |
Columns may not add to total due to rounding. Also see Appendix Tables C-23 (Officer Accessions by Age and Component) and
C-24 (Officers by Age and Component).
Data are for commissioned officers; warrant officers are excluded. A brief look at
Reserve Component warrant officers is provided in Appendix Tables C-34 and C-35. (go back)
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