Director, Officer Enlisted Personnel Management

Mr. Bill Fitzhugh serves as Director, Officer & Enlisted Personnel Management. He is responsible for developing total force manpower and military personnel policies and programs, and providing departmental oversight of the Military Departments, Joint Staff, and other DoD Components on assignments, separations, military decorations and awards, force management policies and programs, and efficient allocation of total force manpower (active and reserve military personnel, civilian employees and contracted services) to ensure compliance with statutes, executive orders, and existing policies that sustain the All-Volunteer Force. Additionally, he Provides the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Personnel Policy with insight and information from personnel policy analysis and studies. The office initiates and coordinates research and studies projects, initiates and coordinates data queries and other information requirements, and provides strength tracking and accountability for the Active and Reserve Components.


Prior to assuming this position, Mr. Fitzhugh served as the Director, Total Force Manpower and Analysis, from 2021-2022; Director, Strategic Analysis Service in the Chief Strategy Office of the Veterans Health Administration, from 2020 to 2021; Deputy to the Assistant Surgeon General for Resources, Infrastructure and Strategy and Interim Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation, from 2019 to 2020; Director, Manpower and Programming (Army Medical Command), from 2018 to 2019; Division Chief, Program Analysis and Evaluation (Army Public Health Command), from 2014 to 2018; Chief of Plans, Programs and Force Modernization Branch (902d Military Intelligence Group), in 2014; Senior Management Analyst (Manpower Shop, Warrior Transition Command), from 2011 to 2014.

Mr. Fitzhugh entered the Army in 1988 as an Infantryman. After serving five years on active duty and two years in the Pennsylvania National Guard, he received a commission as an Armor Officer in 1995. After Company Command, he switched to functional area designation Force Management. Over the course of a 23-year Army career, he served in troop assignments with 4th Infantry Division, PA National Guard, 101st Airborne Division, 24th Infantry Division, 3rd Infantry Division and 1st Armored Division; and served as a Strength Manager with Human Resources Command, Force Management Officer at Warrior Transition Command and 20th CBRNE (Chemical Biological, Nuclear, Radiological and high-yield explosives headquarters).


Mr. Fitzhugh holds a Master’s in Business Administration from George Mason University. He also studied at the Pennsylvania State University earning a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Mr. William G. (Bill) Fitzhugh

Mr. William G. (Bill) Fitzhugh