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Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel & Readiness
Personnel & Readiness

Military Community & Family Policy

Mother holding child in school room with other children Honor Guard in military cemetery playing trumpet
Coast Guard sailor with wife and 2 kids at port Soldier climbing net
Soldiers standing around children giving them high-fives Marine with dog training
Navy sailor doing squats on a weight bench Soldier with wife and child


The Office of Military Community and Family Policy contributes to force readiness and quality of life by providing policies and programs that advance the well‐being of Service Members, their families, survivors, and other eligible members of the military community.


Service members and families thriving across the military lifecycle.


Military Community and Family Policy is directly responsible for establishing quality-of-life policies and programs that help our service members, their families and survivors be well and mission ready.


Hover over or tap each panel to reveal additional information about the respective directorate.

Casualty, Mortuary Affairs (CMA) provide oversight of DoD and Service policies pertaining to casualty, mortuary, and military funeral honors programs and to provide authorized and necessary assistance to eligible family members of deceased, missing, ill, or injured personnel. Assistance may include but is not limited to transportation assistance; applying for and receiving benefits and entitlements; obtaining copies of records, reports, and investigations; legal assistance; receipt of personal effects; mortuary, burial, and funeral honors assistance; relocation assistance, including shipment of household goods; liaison with other federal agencies; information and referral, including emotional and spiritual support, and other assistance as requested. The Directorate is also responsible for policy oversight of Personnel Accountability.

Child & Youth Programs (CYP) set policy and provides oversight for all aspects of DoD child development centers, family child care homes, school age care, youth programs, and the school liaison program for military-connected children from birth to age 18. The Department operates the country’s largest employer-sponsored child care program providing care to more than 160,000 children from birth through 12 years of age. This integrated system of care operates around the world and includes 510 child development centers, 251 school age care programs, and nearly 725 family child care homes. In addition, a robust fee assistance program helps military families find and offset the costs for child care in the civilian community. Youth Programs contribute to the readiness and retention of the Total Force by helping families balance the competing demands of work and family life by supporting healthy youth development; increasing youth well-being and inclusion; easing a successful transition from childhood through adolescence into adulthood; and providing opportunities for personal, physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. School Liaisons are the primary link between school district and school level personnel, commanders, and military parents. School Liaisons serve as the installation subject matter expert for outreach educational support of military children in grades PreK – 12 and as a critical information resource to the parents, the command, and the military community.

Defense State Liaison Office (DSLO) manage state government relations services and obtains modifications to state laws which address policy priorities that improve the quality of life and economic well-being for service members and their families and that can only be resolved by states. These priority areas are identified by OSD and DOD leadership, state governments, and the military community. The DSLO also conducts subnational operations, leads interstate policy design, and works to facilitate and communicate to state governments consistent criteria for the military Services to use as part of their strategic basing scorecard.

Military Community Outreach (MCO) is responsible for developing and implementing outreach tactics supporting MC&FP, communicating critical program and policy information to service members and their families, leadership, and service providers. MCO also oversees the Military OneSource website which provides service members and families with 24/7 access to confidential non-medical counseling as well as information on deployment, reunion, relationships, grief, spouse education and employment, parenting and childhood, and a wide range of related policies and programs.

Military Community Support Programs (MCSP) provide policy and programmatic oversight for two centrally-funded DoD quality of life programs—Military OneSource and Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC). The directorate is responsible for Military OneSource’s 24/7 call center that offers a wide range of individualized consultations, coaching and non-medical counseling services for service members, their families, and survivors worldwide. As an extension to the call center, Military OneSource consultants, located in every state, offer outreach services to all branches and components, as well as military and civilian service providers working within the military population. The MFLC program consists of more than 2,400 licensed counselors in more than 300 military installations or nearby civilian communities located across the United States and in over 25 foreign countries. As a part of the continuum of mental health services, MFLCs provide direct non-medical counseling services, outreach, education, and referral support that contribute to increased wellness and reduced risk for the military community. Additionally, the directorate oversees the Sesame Street for Military Families program that creates wellness tools, featuring Sesame Workshop’s iconic Muppet characters, for military children (ages 2 to 6) and their parents/caregivers to promote positive functioning and improved emotional well-being of military families. Military Community Support Programs also includes data analysis, research, and surveillance staff responsible for transforming program data into information to validate program effectiveness and to drive programmatic and policy decisions.

Morale, Welfare, Recreation (MWR) and Resale Policy set policies and provides oversight for military resale, lodging, and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) programs, including recreation, fitness, sports, cultural arts and other leisure activities. DoD resale programs provided by the worldwide commissary and exchange systems generate a combined $18 billion in annual sales. The DoD Lodging Program includes over 48,000 official travel rooms providing more than 9 million accommodations annually. MWR programs serve over one million authorized patrons at nearly 300 military installations in more than 30 countries worldwide. Additionally, the directorate provides oversight and policy governing the generation, management, use and control of nonappropriated funds (NAFs) to include systems and processes for NAF-funded procurement, accounting, construction, banking, and investment. Finally, the office provides program management oversight of Federal grant programs for the United Service Organizations and the American Red Cross, and sets policy and procedures for support non-federal entities authorized to operate on DoD installations.

Office of Military Family Readiness Policy (OMFRP) is established based on Section 10 U.S. Code Section 1781 which provides policy and programmatic oversight of education, enrichment, and prevention services to Service members, their families and other eligible populations to help them build and maintain healthy relationships; strengthen interpersonal competencies, problem solving skills, and help-seeking behaviors; and master respective roles, tasks, and responsibilities across the domains of career, social, financial, health, and community engagement throughout the family life cycle. The DoD augments Service programs and access points with Military OneSource, the Department’s online solution to connecting Service members and families to quality of life programs and services and its network of support for the military community. The directorate oversees the DoD Relocation Assistance program pursuant to Section 1056 of Title 10, U.S.C. which includes operation of DoD Military OneSource applications to support relocation needs. The directorate’s MilLife Learning designs and delivers courses designed to assist service members, their families, Survivors, and those who support them. The Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program within OMFRP provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources for career progression. The directorate’s Office of Special Needs, standardizes, enhances, and improves Department of support for such families in obtaining referrals for services and in obtaining service, Defense support around the world for military families with special needs (whether medical or educational needs) through the development of appropriate policies, enhancement and dissemination of appropriate information throughout the Department of Defense, and oversight of the activities of the military departments in support of such families as outlined in Sec 1781c. Military family readiness programs and activities of the Department of Defense are available to all military families, including military families of members of the regular components and military families of members of the reserve components.

Resources and Oversight (R&O) oversee and manages the underlying business processes for the MC&FP enterprise, including: contracting strategy and management, legislative and Congressional engagement, research, evaluation, and human capital management for the organization, including professional development, the full portfolio of human resource functions, and security responsibilities for MC&FP employees and all contractors.


Military Community and Family Policy provides quality-of-life policies and programs for the military community worldwide. In this section, you will find biographies of MC&FP leadership, who ensure these policies and programs are designed and executed to support the needs of the total force.

Principal Director Lee Kelley photo

Lee Kelley

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

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Photo of Deborah S. Skillman

Deborah S. Skillman

Director of the Office of Casualty, Mortuary Affairs and Military Funeral Honors

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Photo of Director Stacey K. Young

Stacey K. Young

Director of the newly formed Child and Youth Programs directorate

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Director of the Defense-State Liaison Office

Geraldine Valentino-Smith

Director of the Defense-State Liaison Office

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Photo of Director Erika Slaton

Erika Slaton

Director of Military Community Support Programs

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Photo of Director Glenn Garrison

Glenn Garrison

Director of Morale, Welfare and Recreation and Resale Policy

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Photo of Director Edward R. Brown

Edward R. Brown

Director for the Resources and Oversight Office

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Photo of Director Edward R. Brown

Amy C. Rodick

Director, Office of Military Family Readiness Policy

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Photo of Director Glenn Garrison

Shondell Towns

Director, Military Community Outreach

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